Libra 42: New Birdhouse....
Libra 42: Cuteness Overload
Libra 42: "A Little Help Here!!!!!"
Libra 42: Twisted
Libra 42: Chippie
Libra 42: Cheeks full, ready to empty!
Libra 42: "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?" (Explored)
Libra 42: Perfect Pose (Explored)
Libra 42: "Who? Me?"
Libra 42: Squirrel Pancake
Libra 42: A Mouthful
Libra 42: Where there's a will, there's a way!
Libra 42: Guaranteed Squirrel Proof!?!
Libra 42: A Perfect Fit
Libra 42: Chippie (Explored)
Libra 42: Cuteness
Libra 42: Caught in the Act!
Libra 42: One Cheek Full, One More To Go!
Libra 42: "Hello Down There"
Libra 42: Hello!
Libra 42: "Maybe She Won't See Me!"
Libra 42: Home Sweet Home
Libra 42: Forbidden Love
Libra 42: Whatever it Takes
Libra 42: Squirrel
Libra 42: Garden Ornaments
Libra 42: Take that 2021! Explored 01/26/2022