libra1054: Gelbe Blattschlange
libra1054: Surrounded by green hearts...
libra1054: Leaves
libra1054: Tasmanian fern leaf with sori...
libra1054: Catching the last sunrays...
libra1054: One of the last leaves...
libra1054: Green heart
libra1054: A giant hand fan
libra1054: Picked out by the sun
libra1054: Pink leaves in the sun
libra1054: Leaf in the Dezember sun
libra1054: A heart from the Nature...
libra1054: Kissed by the sun...
libra1054: ...baciata dai raggi del sole
libra1054: One single leaf
libra1054: Yellow leaf on blue bench...EXPLORE # 06.12.2017
libra1054: Ginkoblatt
libra1054: Hidden treasures .... butterfly eggs.
libra1054: Discover "your" heart for the nature! _ HSoS!
libra1054: Contre-jour
libra1054: Skeleton of a hydrangea petal
libra1054: against the sky
libra1054: Leaf and "helicopters" of the maple
libra1054: Dans le cône de lumière
libra1054: a natural heart
libra1054: In focus
libra1054: on a sunny day...
libra1054: After the rain
libra1054: Leaves catch the last rays of the sun
libra1054: Ginko" heart"