libra1054: Damn wet and cold water!
libra1054: Otter _ lontra _ nutria
libra1054: African Penguin Parade
libra1054: Rhino portait
libra1054: Uno sguardo amichevole...
libra1054: Lemure dalla coda ad anelli...
libra1054: Strohhals-Ibis
libra1054: Non dare da mangiare! No ê vero!!! Si prega non credere a quello che ê scitto quî!!!
libra1054: We are so tired...
libra1054: Un sorriso amichevole nell'acqua...
libra1054: Portrait of a Queen...
libra1054: Hello everybody...
libra1054: Sweet dreams...
libra1054: Polarfuchs
libra1054: Playing with Mom...
libra1054: Sweet dreams...
libra1054: Jane & Harry.... gorgeous giants!
libra1054: On the way .... with mom
libra1054: Südliche Zwergmanguste
libra1054: Chinesische Dreistreifen-Scharnierschildkröte EXPLORE # 13.10.2017
libra1054: Nilflughunde
libra1054: White kangaroo
libra1054: Nandu
libra1054: Rothschild's giraffe
libra1054: Mother "Eora" and son "Tanami"
libra1054: "Hujan" and "Lea"
libra1054: Mother and child
libra1054: "Willi" the cute rhino bull baby and his 14-year-old white rhinoceros mother "Shakina".
libra1054: Damned...I'm NOT a devil !!!!!!
libra1054: Red Panda