Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5708 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Paysage du Montana, enneigé / Snowy Montana landscape.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5710 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Paysage du Montana, enneigé / Snowy Montana landscape.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5711 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Paysage du Montana, enneigé / Snowy Montana landscape.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5714 - A4P - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Paysage du Montana, enneigé / Snowy Montana landscape.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5715 - A4P - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Paysage du Montana, enneigé / Snowy Montana landscape.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5719 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - La route nous appartient... / The road belongs to us...
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5729 - 21x13 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - La route nous appartient... / The road belongs to us...
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5750 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Et il y avait un bison sur la colline, c'était joli... / And there was a buffalo on the hill, it was pretty...
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5763 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Quand un bison croit que son jour de gloire est arrivé et qu'il est pressé de sortir de l'ombre / When a buffalo believes that its day of glory has arrived and is in a hurry to get out of the shadow.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5764 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Quand un bison croit que son jour de gloire est arrivé et qu'il est pressé de sortir de l'ombre / When a buffalo believes that its day of glory has arrived and is in a hurry to get out of the shadow.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5766 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Quand un bison croit que son jour de gloire est arrivé et qu'il est pressé de sortir de l'ombre / When a buffalo believes that its day of glory has arrived and is in a hurry to get out of the shadow.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5778 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Un magnifique wapiti mâle en train de paître en surplomb de la route / A beautiful elk bull grazing upon the road.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5782 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Un magnifique wapiti mâle en train de paître en surplomb de la route / A beautiful elk bull grazing upon the road.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5785 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Un magnifique wapiti mâle en train de paître en surplomb de la route / A beautiful elk bull grazing upon the road.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5803 - A4P - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Un beau bison mâle givré, à moins qu'il n'ait revêtu une sorte de Ghillie suit / A beautiful frosted buffalo bull, unless he has blown himself.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5815 - A4P - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Un beau bison mâle givré, à moins qu'il n'ait revêtu une sorte de Ghillie suit / A beautiful frosted buffalo bull, unless he has blown himself.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5825 - A4P - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - La lutte pour la survie / Struggle for life.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5829 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - La lutte pour la survie / Struggle for life.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5833 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Bison, toison, rayon / Buffalo, fur, ray.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5847 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - La loutre au seuil de sa catiche / The otter on the threshold of it's den.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5853 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Presque deux loutres pour le prix d'une, miroir qui est la plus belle / Almost two otters for the price of one, mirror who is the most beautiful.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5879 - A4P - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - WWW, non pas le net, West White Wilderness, en version poids lourd : le bison / WWW, not the Web, West White Wilderness, in heavyweight version : the buffalo.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5886 - A4P - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - WWW, non pas le net, West White Wilderness, en version poids lourd : le bison / WWW, not the Web, West White Wilderness, in heavyweight version : the buffalo.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5895 - A4P - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - WWW, non pas le net, West White Wilderness, en version poids lourd : le bison / WWW, not the Web, West White Wilderness, in heavyweight version : the buffalo.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5901 - A4P - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - WWW, non pas le net, West White Wilderness, en version poids lourd : le bison / WWW, not the Web, West White Wilderness, in heavyweight version : the buffalo.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5913 - A4P - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Mise en perspective de l'animal dans son biotope : le bison de la Lamar Valley / Putting the animal into perspective in its biotope : the Lamar Valley bison.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5918 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - La Nature se montre parfois sous son meilleur côté : bison recto / Nature does sometime show you its best side : buffalo front side.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5921 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - La Nature ne vous montre pas toujours son meilleur côté: bison verso / Nature doesn't always show you its best side : buffalo back side.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5923 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Même à 120mm, pas facile de faire entrer ce géant des plaines dans ce théatre naturel / Even at 120mm, not easy to bring this giant of the plains into this natural theater.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A5943 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Renard roux faisant la sieste lové dans la neige / Red fox napping coiled in the snow.