Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A0455 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Coyote sorti de la cage... Thoracique du bison / Coyote out of cage... Buffalo ribs one.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A0438 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park : Coyote en partance / Leaving coyote.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A0413 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park : Fenêtre ouverte sur le coyote / Open window on the coyote.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A0410 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park : Le coyote choisit la facilité et suit la trace / The coyote takes it easy and follows the pass.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A0406 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park : Le coyote choisit la facilité et suit la trace / The coyote takes it easy and follows the pass.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A0399 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park : Congrégation de charognards / Scavengers' congregation.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A0398 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park : Congrégation de charognards / Scavengers' congregation.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A0058 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park : Renard roux version acoustique / Red fox acoustic version.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A0046 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park : Renard roux version acoustique / Red fox acoustic version.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A0043 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park : Renard roux version acoustique / Red fox acoustic version.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A0031 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Marquage olfactif, en cette fin février se profile la période de la reproduction chez les renards / Olfactory marking, at the end of February, the foxes' breeding period is coming.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A0028 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Marquage olfactif, en cette fin février se profile la période de la reproduction chez les renards / Olfactory marking, at the end of February, the foxes' breeding period is coming.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A0017 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Renard roux entrant dans le cadre / Red fox entering the frame.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A0004 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Quand la nature dicte au coyote de surveiller ses arrières / When nature dictates to the coyote to watch its rear.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A9708 - A4P - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park : Par le coyote : se nettoyer la truffe / By the coyote : to clean its truffle.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A9513 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Déplacement furtif du coyote, qui se croit caché derrière un maigre buisson de sauge / Stealthy movement of the coyote, who thinks he is hidden behind a lean sage bush.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A9489 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Nous avons retrouvé le chef du gang des coyotes cocaïnoman / We found the leader of the coyote cocaine gang.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A9491 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Il y a le chat persan, et le coyote au regard perçant... / There is the Persian cat, and the coyote with sharp eyes ...
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A9487 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Coyote ne jouant pas à cache-cache, mais nettoyant sa gueule avec la neige / Coyote not playing hide-and-seek, but cleaning his mouth with snow.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A8835 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park : Nous connaissons tous le chacal doré, voici le coyote doré... / We all know the golden jackal, here is the golden coyote ...
Steph Libernaventure: IMG_9270 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - La vie comme elle va... C'est blanc ou c'est noir. La neige et le loup / Life as it goes ... It's white or it's black. The snow and the wolf.
Steph Libernaventure: IMG_9266 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - La vie comme elle va... C'est blanc ou c'est noir. La neige et le loup / Life as it goes ... It's white or it's black. The snow and the wolf.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A8128 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Ce très beau renard roux aurait pu se mettre à mulotter, il a entamé une sieste à la place / This beautiful red fox could have started to catch mise, he started a nap instead.
Steph Libernaventure: IMG_9017 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Après des siècles de persécutions, nous français savourons la contemplation de ce renard en plein jour / After centuries of persecution, we French savor the contemplation of this fox in broad daylight.
Steph Libernaventure: IMG_9013 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Renard roux, nez au vent et queue touffue, quel panache ! / Red fox, nose to the wind and bushy tail, what a panache!
Steph Libernaventure: IMG_9010 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Alors que dire de la contemplation de trois renards en plein jour / So what about contemplating three foxes in broad daylight.
Steph Libernaventure: IMG_9001 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park : Alors que dire de la contemplation de trois renards en plein jour / So what about contemplating three foxes in broad daylight.
Steph Libernaventure: IMG_8961 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Une nouvelle fable de La Fontaine : la pie et les renards / A new fable of La Fontaine : the magpie and the foxes.
Steph Libernaventure: IMG_8947 - A4 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - Alors que dire de la contemplation de deux renards en plein jour / So what about contemplating two foxes in broad daylight.
Steph Libernaventure: 2V6A6790 - 21x11 - 2019/02 - Yellowstone National Park - A la queue le coyote / At the tail the coyote.