Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): My sister with style dress (Photo 1940)
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): My familly : Henri (birth day: 1933), Marie-Claire (1935), Me (1937), Anne-Lise (1939)
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): My sister - Photo 1940
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): My father to school (photo 1914)
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): MONACO - Oceanographic Museum - Me
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): Me - What pleasure to be already in arms of a pretty girl !!
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): I was five years old: that was yesterday !!
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): Family photo (1951) - I was 14 years old
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): SWITZERLAND - I am flying with hang gliding
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): SWITZERLAND - Leman lake - Aerobatic hang gliding
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): Sail on the sea, sail in the sky
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): My Mother (6 years old) - Photo 1915
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): Picnic with family - photo 1951
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): Me and my sister (Photo 1939)
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): My sister, Marie-Claire (photo 1935)
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): My mother (right) and 1 brother, 1 sister - PHOTO 1914
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): My sister (photo 1941)
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): Me with my little and nice rabbit (Photo 1938)
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): Me with 1 brother and 2 sisters (Photo 1940)
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): My son Vincent (Photo 1970)
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): FRANCE - Family photo ( 1983 )
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): I was 20 years old ( Photo 1957 )
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): My sister - Photo 1940
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): My Mother and my Father with ultra-modern swimsuit! (Photo 1933)
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): I'm on my brother's lap (Photo 1938)
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): At ten years old, I had my head in the fog! And now... it starts again !!!