~libby~: Tower Bridge
~libby~: Space Pod - London Eye
~libby~: Blank eyes
~libby~: Railway graffiti
~libby~: Dali sculpture
~libby~: Majestic - London Eye
~libby~: London Eye with sun
~libby~: Rock of ages
~libby~: Stonehenge - ooh
~libby~: On to the afterlife
~libby~: Distant Stonehenge
~libby~: Stone Pharoah
~libby~: No longer on speaking terms
~libby~: And still the raven, never flitting, still is sitting
~libby~: Dali universe, shadowed by a Dali
~libby~: Water under the bridge
~libby~: Thames queen
~libby~: From pier to eternity
~libby~: Train station fairwell
~libby~: Eiffel Tower
~libby~: Eiffel Tower
~libby~: Eiffel Tower detail
~libby~: Right up into the fog
~libby~: Mausoleum corridor
~libby~: Dutch national monument
~libby~: It all comes together
~libby~: Arc & lines
~libby~: Upward reflection
~libby~: In the crosshairs
~libby~: Burial