**K.C.**: Show time_Chiayi
**K.C.**: Father, the foot_Chiayi, Taiwan
**K.C.**: Parallel lines_Chiayi
**K.C.**: Just for a cup of coffee_Chiayi
**K.C.**: Brunch, always my favorite_Chiayi
**K.C.**: 颱風過後 after typhoon_Chiayi
**K.C.**: 老家格紋窗 art of square_Chiayi
**K.C.**: 母親的愛心 love from my mom_Chiayi
**K.C.**: 靜止 seems like everything stop_Chiayi
**K.C.**: in front of my house
**K.C.**: Fisheye bombing_Chiayi
**K.C.**: The smell of rice
**K.C.**: Upside Down_ChiaYi
**K.C.**: #隙頂
**K.C.**: #隙頂
**K.C.**: #dreamcatcher #隙頂
**K.C.**: 人好渺小,不是嗎? #隙頂
**K.C.**: Something never forget #隙頂
**K.C.**: #Miscanthus #芒草 #八掌溪
**K.C.**: #Fordfocus #focus #MK3
**K.C.**: P1140152
**K.C.**: #蒜頭糖廠
**K.C.**: #阿里山 #吉野櫻