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LIANZA Young Adult Medal Winner Fleur Beale accepts her award
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Awards Panel Convenor Belynda Smith congratulates Fleur on her win
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John McIntyre congratulates Fleur Beale
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LIANZA Young Adult Medal Sponsor John McIntyre
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LIANZA Esther Glen Meda Winner, Diana Menefy
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Diana Menefy receives the LIANZA Esther Glen award for The Shadow of the Boyd
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LIANZA Immediate Past President - Carolyn Robertson presents flowers to Diana Menefy
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Ngareta Bassett holding two finalists for the te kura pounamu retold by her mother Dame Katerina Te Heikoko Mataira
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Ngareta Bassett receives Te Tohu Taurapa on behalf of her mother, presented to Manu Haututu by June Peka, illustrated by Jo Thapa and retold by Kāterina Te Heikōkō Mataira (Scholastic)
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Wendie Crampton receives flowers on behalf of her son James Crampton, cowriter of The Kiwi Fossil Hunter’s Handbook by James Crampton and Marianna Terezow (Random House New Zealand)
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Marianna Terezow, Winner of the LIANZA Elsie Locke Medal
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Fleur Beale, Winner of the LIANZA Young Adult Award for Fierce September. A fantastic book.
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Peti Nohotima receives Te Tohu Nga Kete e toru presented to He ora kupu series by Peti Nohotima (He Kupenga Hao I Te Reo).
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Diana Menefy with her book Shadow of the Boyd.
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Vasanti Unka, Winner of the 2011 LIANZA Russell Clark Medal for Hill and Hole.
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LIANZA 2011 Z14
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Hana Pomare with her children Manutai and Pere, receiving Te Tohu Hoani Whatahoro for Kapa, Te Niu, Te Mata o Tuna, a Hina raua ko Mo’o Kuna series (HANA Limited)
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Hana Pomare
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Hana Pomare with her children Manutai and Pere, receiving Te Tohu Hoani Whatahoro for Kapa, Te Niu, Te Mata o Tuna, a Hina raua ko Mo’o Kuna series (HANA Limited)
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Fleur Beale
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The Winner of the 2011 LIANZA Esther Glen Medal, Diana Menefy
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Te Rōpū Whakahau Tumuaki Anahera Morehu presents Te Tohu Nga Kete e toru to Peti Nohotima
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Te Rōpū Whakahau Tumuaki Anahera Morehu presents to Ngareta Bassett
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Brian Morris receives Te Tohu Pounamu awarded to Haumi e the te reo magazine published by Huia Publishers.
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Anahera Morehu presents Te Tohu Pounamu to Brian Morris.
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Flowers by Woodstock Florist
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Te Kura Pounamu Judge, Alice Heather
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Joy Cowley
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Pene Walsh presents to Joy Cowley and Rachel Cooper from Gecko Press, finalists for the 2011 LIANZA Russell Clark for The fierce little woman and the wicked pirate by Joy Cowley and Sarah Davis. Published by Gecko Press
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Marianna Terezow