liamj2: Ballydwane Cove
liamj2: Irish Coast Guard Sikorsky S92 helicopter
liamj2: Celebrity Infinity
liamj2: Eurodam
liamj2: Silver cloud
liamj2: The Portlairge
liamj2: Old fishing Punt
liamj2: Hook Head
liamj2: Tranquillity
liamj2: Fishing boat "Endeavour"
liamj2: Tallship Eagle
liamj2: Fishing Boats
liamj2: On the naughty step
liamj2: Eagle (Tall ship)
liamj2: Tall ship EUROPA leaving the Port of Waterford ( Tall ships race 2011)
liamj2: Tall ship "MAYBE" leaving the Port of Waterford (Tallships race 2011).
liamj2: Bargarth
liamj2: Dunmore East Lifeboat
liamj2: Dunmore East Lighthouse
liamj2: Tall ShipTenacious in Waterford
liamj2: Irish Coast Guard Rescue Helicopter Waterford. "Rescue 117"
liamj2: Cruise Liner "Crystal Serenity " anchored in Waterford Harbour.
liamj2: Lambay Races
liamj2: Hook Lighthouse
liamj2: Creadan Lady
liamj2: Coast line Dunmore East
liamj2: The receding Tide
liamj2: Saleens Beach
liamj2: Tall ship tenacious
liamj2: Rain on the way