Liam Cheasty: 34/365.2025 Banco Del Hoyo
Liam Cheasty: Banco Del Hoyo
Liam Cheasty: 33/365.2025. Cork Oak.
Liam Cheasty: 32/365.2025 Arcos.
Liam Cheasty: 31/01/2025. A handy pair of door knockers (literally)
Liam Cheasty: 30/365.2025 The dresser
Liam Cheasty: 29/01.2025
Liam Cheasty: IMG_6147
Liam Cheasty: IMG_6145
Liam Cheasty: IMG_6144
Liam Cheasty: IMG_6143
Liam Cheasty: IMG_6142
Liam Cheasty: IMG_6141
Liam Cheasty: IMG_6140
Liam Cheasty: IMG_6139
Liam Cheasty: IMG_6138
Liam Cheasty: 28/365.2025. His and Hers
Liam Cheasty: IMG_6149
Liam Cheasty: 26/365.2025 The Old Mill.
Liam Cheasty: 27/01/2025. 27/365.2025 Holocaust Memorial Day, 80th Anniversary.
Liam Cheasty: IMG_0517
Liam Cheasty: 26/365.2025 . mmmm Trout in butter.
Liam Cheasty: 25/365.2025
Liam Cheasty: IMG_0506
Liam Cheasty: 24/365.2025 Sheltering from the storm
Liam Cheasty: IMG_6137
Liam Cheasty: 23/365.2005. Rain Clouds
Liam Cheasty: IMG_6135
Liam Cheasty: IMG_6134
Liam Cheasty: IMG_6133