Liam60009: "The Red Jub Up The Bank" Jubilee 45699 'Galatea'
Liam60009: "Long Preston, Sunset Dalesman" Stanier 8F 48151
Liam60009: "Limestone Jubilee" Stanier's Jubilee 45690 'Leander'
Liam60009: "Red Hues II" Jubilee 45699 'Galatea'
Liam60009: "A Brief Encounter" Stanier 8F 48151
Liam60009: "What's better than one Black 5?...." Stanier's Black 5 45212 and 45407/45157
Liam60009: Jubilee 45690 ‘Leander’ - Newsholme
Liam60009: Jubilee 45690 ‘Leander’ - Hellifield Station
Liam60009: Jubilee 45699 'Galatea' - Whalley Viaduct
Liam60009: Merchant Navy 35018 'British India Line' - Hellifield Station
Liam60009: Jubilee 45699 ‘Galatea’ - Vicarage Lane
Liam60009: Moonlit Merchant
Liam60009: Jubilee 45690 ‘Leander’ - Helwith Bridge