OuroborosX: bethesda fountain
OuroborosX: meadow
OuroborosX: ghost va lee ball
OuroborosX: a bit overcooked
OuroborosX: volleyball
OuroborosX: a bit undercooked...
OuroborosX: pinhole in the park
OuroborosX: norwalk museum
OuroborosX: flowers
OuroborosX: sculpture
OuroborosX: hotel...
OuroborosX: south norwalk...
OuroborosX: norwalk harbor
OuroborosX: hydro
OuroborosX: basically
OuroborosX: blue period
OuroborosX: fisher man
OuroborosX: speed "hump"
OuroborosX: blue period 2
OuroborosX: train station pinhole
OuroborosX: i would do anything to break your heart, if i could.
OuroborosX: sine-die/ting
OuroborosX: sine-die/ting
OuroborosX: sine-die/ting
OuroborosX: sine-die/ting
OuroborosX: sine-die/ting
OuroborosX: beetledragon
OuroborosX: sine-die/ting
OuroborosX: sine-die/ting