lh tanG: 428 KL ~ follow the yellow color.
lh tanG: A. Samad Said
lh tanG: People going for Bersih 3.0
lh tanG: KL City ~ dayabumi
lh tanG: PEACE
lh tanG: Bersih 3.0 - demonstrating for clean and fair elections
lh tanG: A hot Saturday afternoon
lh tanG: Not all are yellow, there are green too.
lh tanG: Yellow & Green Balloon.
lh tanG: 428 KL
lh tanG: KL locked out
lh tanG: Huge crowd in front of Centre Market
lh tanG: 428 KL
lh tanG: 428 KL
lh tanG: Bersih 3.0
lh tanG: Discontent. Mischievous. Playfully. Annoying
lh tanG: Road to Malaysia's day of destiny
lh tanG: Stand off
lh tanG: 428 KL
lh tanG: 428 KL
lh tanG: 428 KL - hot AFTERNOON
lh tanG: Occupy
lh tanG: 428 KL
lh tanG: During BERSIH 3.0
lh tanG: 12:30 pm
lh tanG: Along the Klang River bank
lh tanG: Have a peaceful weekend