lh tanG: Dragon Dance
lh tanG: Spirit of the Dargon
lh tanG: Lunar New Year
lh tanG: Lion Dance
lh tanG: Togetherness
lh tanG: Lunar New Year
lh tanG: 2008 Year of the Rat
lh tanG: Festive
lh tanG: Big Red
lh tanG: Lunar New Year, Spring Festival
lh tanG: Hamper
lh tanG: Cookies
lh tanG: Fortune coming...
lh tanG: The Joker is an Ox
lh tanG: W E L C O M E
lh tanG: F R I E N D S H I P
lh tanG: J O Y
lh tanG: M E A N
lh tanG: Hope lies with the BuLL
lh tanG: ARTificial
lh tanG: LUCKY Sanderiana
lh tanG: ColourFULL
lh tanG: 15th Day of Festivities.
lh tanG: Lights On
lh tanG: Thean Hou Temple
lh tanG: "Red Dragon Flower"
lh tanG: Festive Lanterns
lh tanG: Yesteryear
lh tanG: Happy New Year of the Rabbit.
lh tanG: Gōng xǐ fā cái!