Photo_Engineer: Monreale Cathedral
Photo_Engineer: Monreale Cathedral
Photo_Engineer: Bible Stories
Photo_Engineer: Monreale Cathedral
Photo_Engineer: Noah's Ark
Photo_Engineer: The Lord breathing life into Adam
Photo_Engineer: God leads Adam into Paradise
Photo_Engineer: Adam in Paradise
Photo_Engineer: Eve and the Serpent
Photo_Engineer: The Fall of Man
Photo_Engineer: Adam and Eve are ashamed of their nakedness
Photo_Engineer: Expulsion from Paradise
Photo_Engineer: The sacrifice of Isaac
Photo_Engineer: Rebecca with the camels at the well
Photo_Engineer: Rebecca's Journey
Photo_Engineer: Isaac blesses Jacob
Photo_Engineer: Jacob's flight
Photo_Engineer: Jacob's dream
Photo_Engineer: Jacob's fight with the angel
Photo_Engineer: Monreale Cathedral
Photo_Engineer: Monreale Cathedral
Photo_Engineer: 20191014-_A140284-Palermo.jpg
Photo_Engineer: Exterior door
Photo_Engineer: The cloister garden
Photo_Engineer: Cloister garden
Photo_Engineer: Mike with columns in the cloister
Photo_Engineer: Basin the the cloister
Photo_Engineer: Columns in the cloister