LHCurtis: Picnic Table_LHC0481
LHCurtis: Jokusarlon sunrise Iceland 4960bw
LHCurtis: Mosque Hovd Mongolia 7749
LHCurtis: Mongolia The Road Ahead Our journey begins with a couple miles of paved road 752
LHCurtis: Mongolia the old mountains as we leave Hovd 7754
LHCurtis: Mongolia worn down hills leaving Hovd 7757
LHCurtis: Mongolia Underlying sharp peaks remains after erosion 7759
LHCurtis: Mongolia another vehilcle approaches seldom 7761
LHCurtis: Mongolia Dust dreates a blue shimmer to the hills 7766
LHCurtis: Mongolia leaving HOVD mountains 7768
LHCurtis: Mongolia The Road ahead into the mountains 7770
LHCurtis: Family with motor cycle and solar panel bw LHC1790
LHCurtis: Monastery Entrance guard hdr
LHCurtis: Detail Buddha _LHC0911hdlk
LHCurtis: Mongolian Levitation at UB
LHCurtis: Monastary entrance0786
LHCurtis: Monastary Entrance Guard 0791
LHCurtis: Mongolian goat 1131
LHCurtis: Tying goats for milking1137
LHCurtis: Preparing goat cheese for drying1324
LHCurtis: Mother daughter and goat cheese1447
LHCurtis: Making goat cheese 1565
LHCurtis: Daughter and grandson watch goat cheese process1594
LHCurtis: Grandmother observes the daughter in laws work 1651
LHCurtis: Grandmother ff bw 1710
LHCurtis: Goat herder and children 1732
LHCurtis: Famil of Goat herder 1741
LHCurtis: Family of goat herder bw1741
LHCurtis: goat herder family hdc 1754
LHCurtis: goat herder family hdbw1754