lgh75: Bouquet de fleurs / Flower power
lgh75: Fleur-vase / Vase Flower
lgh75: Rose bleu / Blue rose
lgh75: Bleu sans rose / Roseless blue
lgh75: Fleurs de Mai / May Flowers
lgh75: Iris
lgh75: Nenuphar / Water lily
lgh75: Ibiscus / Hibiscus
lgh75: Jasmin / Jasmine
lgh75: Tournesol / Sunflower
lgh75: Chardon / Thistle
lgh75: Vous connaissez cette fleur? Do you know that flower?
lgh75: Roses
lgh75: Bourdon à la fleur / The flower and the bumblebee
lgh75: Rose 2
lgh75: Nénuphar / Water lily
lgh75: Crocus à l'abeille / Bee on Crocus
lgh75: Feuilles 2 / Leaves 2
lgh75: Feuilles 1 / Leaves 1
lgh75: Couleurs d'Automne / Fall's colors
lgh75: Fall 7
lgh75: Fall 6
lgh75: Fall 5
lgh75: Fall 4
lgh75: Fall 3
lgh75: Fall 2
lgh75: Fall 1
lgh75: Texture Feuilles / Leaves
lgh75: Collection feuille / Leave collection
lgh75: Macro flower