lgaumond: DQ Blizzard Cake...mmm...
lgaumond: Christian and Alex
lgaumond: skeptical
lgaumond: cute
lgaumond: presents!
lgaumond: Cameron
lgaumond: presents
lgaumond: it was Father's Day, too
lgaumond: Mom and Cameron
lgaumond: he likes it!
lgaumond: a white sheet!
lgaumond: my cutie
lgaumond: presents
lgaumond: presents
lgaumond: awesome new shies
lgaumond: presents
lgaumond: snazzy
lgaumond: presents
lgaumond: presents
lgaumond: Cameron
lgaumond: Cameron and Christian
lgaumond: presents
lgaumond: presents
lgaumond: presents
lgaumond: cool candles
lgaumond: blowing out the candles
lgaumond: blowing out the candles
lgaumond: blowing out the candles