lgaumond: amazing light show
lgaumond: amazing light show
lgaumond: amazing light show
lgaumond: amazing light show
lgaumond: amazing light show
lgaumond: Melissa and her fire dance
lgaumond: honey and two sparklers
lgaumond: amazing light show
lgaumond: Sparklers
lgaumond: Sparklers
lgaumond: Alan discusses the history of Canada
lgaumond: Rob tries not to get the flu from Greg
lgaumond: Amanda loves hair bows, Todd disagrees
lgaumond: Melissa and her sarcastic face
lgaumond: tired Jane
lgaumond: Mommy!
lgaumond: sharing
lgaumond: mmm...cupcakes
lgaumond: mmm...cupcakes
lgaumond: mmm...cupcakes
lgaumond: Todd reviews the film
lgaumond: Audrey and Shane are amused
lgaumond: "oh no!" or maybe "peek-a-boo"
lgaumond: Olivia
lgaumond: Miss Jane
lgaumond: sad/happy
lgaumond: Mom Savio
lgaumond: Jane has a ball
lgaumond: cheese
lgaumond: Jane catches Alan as he falls over