lgaumond: Waking up on Sunday
lgaumond: Ready to go home
lgaumond: Waking up on Sunday
lgaumond: Morning Has Broken...
lgaumond: Voyle around the campfire
lgaumond: Voyle around the campfire
lgaumond: Birthdays
lgaumond: Birthdays
lgaumond: Pup by the fire (with the flash on - yuck)
lgaumond: Pup by the Fire
lgaumond: Dad with fire in his eyes
lgaumond: Lauren and Sioux at the fire
lgaumond: The fire queen
lgaumond: Blazing
lgaumond: Around the campfire
lgaumond: Around the campfire
lgaumond: Around the campfire
lgaumond: Around the campfire
lgaumond: Tame deer at "The Crest"
lgaumond: Tame deer at "The Crest"
lgaumond: Fred pokes Joe
lgaumond: Around the campfire
lgaumond: The Harris Palace
lgaumond: Around the campfire
lgaumond: Around the campfire
lgaumond: Comparing cameras
lgaumond: Sunset
lgaumond: Big Head Dog
lgaumond: Sweet Betty
lgaumond: How could you not love him?