lgaumond: Doo doo doo, do doo doo doo-ooo...
lgaumond: Post-dinner snooze
lgaumond: Andrea doesn't like martinis
lgaumond: The boys wrestle for presents
lgaumond: I see more presents over there...
lgaumond: Alex in his jungle rocker
lgaumond: Wow a chair!
lgaumond: Heeeey maaannn...
lgaumond: Robots!
lgaumond: Luke and the fat tree
lgaumond: Can I open another one?
lgaumond: A song from Cameron
lgaumond: Robbie and Cameron
lgaumond: Stacey burns a hole through Mom's head with her devil eyes
lgaumond: Alex and Mrs. Claus
lgaumond: Toot! Toot!
lgaumond: Playing on the stairs
lgaumond: The men chat
lgaumond: Christmas Eve at Holly's