jeff and leyla: L1610757r the "greening" of Ann Arbor, and stupid solar parking meters you have to walk to, to pay...5 cent for 3 minutes
jeff and leyla: L1630217city Once the neighborhood is gone, it will not come back.......
jeff and leyla: L1630001 the Raw house
jeff and leyla: L1630043
jeff and leyla: L1620877rbwclr Defend the Ann Arbor 7
jeff and leyla: L1620888bw
jeff and leyla: L1610902
jeff and leyla: L1600782r
jeff and leyla: L1600773
jeff and leyla: L1600772r
jeff and leyla: L1600802bw
jeff and leyla: L1600796sq
jeff and leyla: L1600794r
jeff and leyla: L1610119rbwclr
jeff and leyla: L1600785bw
jeff and leyla: L1600940r
jeff and leyla: L1600574bw
jeff and leyla: L1600576bwsq
jeff and leyla: L1600563
jeff and leyla: L1600573b
jeff and leyla: L1600601sq
jeff and leyla: L1600578a
jeff and leyla: L1590492r S. Fifth Ave., Ann Arbor demolition delayed, for now. Defend the Ann Arbor 7, this picture is still crooked
jeff and leyla: L1580089r
jeff and leyla: L1580094r
jeff and leyla: L1570341sq forget the facebook, got the jlp wordpress started
jeff and leyla: L1540947
jeff and leyla: L1540891r
jeff and leyla: L1190466r
jeff and leyla: L1250549r