Leylabot: IMG_1710.JPG
Leylabot: IMG_1704.JPG
Leylabot: I'm intrigued here
Leylabot: mmmm beads!
Leylabot: the shoe and the beads, nice
Leylabot: I'm staring into your SOUL
Leylabot: Shorter Haired Bot
Leylabot: B&W stare contest ... GO
Leylabot: Eye See you
Leylabot: haircut side view
Leylabot: haircut_y
Leylabot: Bored
Leylabot: My new necklace from NYC
Leylabot: browse
Leylabot: dimplebot a la madamoiselle hena
Leylabot: me at work
Leylabot: looking busy
Leylabot: Beaded Leylabot
Leylabot: Warholized Leylabot
Leylabot: New spectacles
Leylabot: Curly bot
Leylabot: Right side of the new 'bot head
Leylabot: Mug Shot
Leylabot: jumper!? (I barely know her!)
Leylabot: me_jumbled.jpg
Leylabot: reflecting1
Leylabot: double time
Leylabot: the hair ... au naturel
Leylabot: CurlyBot