leyink: Road trippin'
leyink: SLK does not care about your hair
leyink: Feet trippin'
leyink: Favorite kind of grapes @ Madonna Inn
leyink: Fuzzy pink wallpaper @ Madonna Inn
leyink: Roadside motel
leyink: Ja!
leyink: Room not found
leyink: 5:30 p.m.
leyink: Desert Dofter
leyink: Matchy matchy!
leyink: More matchy
leyink: @jmk's pretty thing
leyink: Oh, THIS?
leyink: ....
leyink: Blake discovers the most alcoholic beer
leyink: Eddie creates the lulz and starfish hits
leyink: Sunrise Ace
leyink: Fire in the sky
leyink: Morgen
leyink: 6 a.m. pool line
leyink: The Lone Palm