leyink: Tickets bought the Friday before. What are we doing??
leyink: Packing explosion
leyink: Shade planning
leyink: Paisley helps with the shade structure
leyink: Playa cookin'
leyink: Paisly really wants to help with the shade structure
leyink: ….
leyink: Grand Sierra parking lot. Very important and hazardous coffee!
leyink: Less than 4 days before, 2 people's stuff, 1 clean golf
leyink: Road to Burning Man
leyink: Beautiful Black Rock Desert
leyink: We are here (!)
leyink: Temple
leyink: Temple
leyink: Temple
leyink: Temple
leyink: Temple
leyink: Memorials at the temple
leyink: View from Wall Street
leyink: Inside Wall Street
leyink: Inside Bank of America
leyink: Bank of America
leyink: Wall Street
leyink: Toward 6 o'clock
leyink: Toward 10 o'clock
leyink: Hammock Hangout standing proud