leyink: DAY --> ORD
leyink: "I'm not in the habit of looking back."
leyink: ORD stroll
leyink: 5 hour delay
leyink: Der Schwarzer Montag
leyink: up.front.ug meetup
leyink: Typical Berlin, Mauerpark
leyink: East / West train split (I think?)
leyink: Fehbelliner
leyink: Mauer marker
leyink: kuchen at Cafe Liebling
leyink: Rainbow over Alexanderplatz
leyink: August 13th, 1961 - The day the wall went up
leyink: Soundcloud party at 1 a.m.
leyink: Soundcloud party at dawn
leyink: Confetti madness, Sondcloud party
leyink: "We are not a party company"