LexnGer: Gerry at Farm Squared
LexnGer: Sap in Reserve
LexnGer: Duncan with Batch 2
LexnGer: Watching the Kettle Boil
LexnGer: ... and more Boiling
LexnGer: Boiling....
LexnGer: Skimming
LexnGer: Not Done, but we had to travel
LexnGer: Much Reduced
LexnGer: Gerry & the Gator Collecting
LexnGer: Boil Damn You!
LexnGer: Brussel Sprouts in Maple Sap
LexnGer: Deck Chives & Maple syrup
LexnGer: Okay what would you do? Dessert mystery box has lard, mixed frozen fruit, duck eggs and maple syrup. #discoveredchefs @nellacucina
LexnGer: Lunch of smoked turkey, green salad and fresh maple syrup dressing. That's fresh maple syrup... Mmmm
LexnGer: One bottle from every batch this sugaring season. Refraction in action.
LexnGer: Our first and final maple syrup batches side-by-side. The colour variation is due to the seasonal progression of the sap not, as many people presume, caramelization in the boiling process. The light bottle is Canadian Grade A Extra light (or Golden), aka
LexnGer: Sometimes you have to improvise to get the sap thawed and boiled off. (No, I should not be using an enamel pan to do this. It's a test with the b-grade end-of-season slight-bud flavoured sap. (No, not that bud))
LexnGer: And our latest maple syrup production yielded 1.5c of fancy grade tastiness. And today yielded the largest & cleanest sap haul to date! Working on that sap now.
LexnGer: Object lesson on staying alert and paying close attention when making maple syrup
LexnGer: One final filter on this morning's syrup. Beautiful Fancy-grade syrup.
LexnGer: Homemade maple syrup FTW! I did one final filter and then used the filtered yumminess on my breakfast - potato scone bread french toast & bacon this morning. Because why waste the b-grade filtered out syrup just because it's cloudy? SO GOOD!
LexnGer: Because even a little sap can produce enough maple syrup to make me smile!
LexnGer: My weekend of tap, nap, check, repeat.
LexnGer: Today I tapped my first tree, and the sap is flowing!
LexnGer: The fruits of our labour! Sappy right? #maplesugaring #sap #bucket #full #ice #homesteading #diy #Ontario #LexGoFurther
LexnGer: And our next fire is not for smoke but for sugaring! 100 litres of sap to boil off. #maplesugaring #sap #fire #boil #sugaring #maplesyrup #selfie #homesteading #diy #Ontario #LexGoFurther
LexnGer: And our next fire is not for smoke but for sugaring! 100 litres of sap to boil off. #maplesugaring #sap #fire #boil #sugaring #maplesyrup #selfie #homesteading #diy #Ontario #LexGoFurther
LexnGer: Toasting my breakfast biscuits by the sugaring fire. Does a holiday Monday get better? (The answer is no) #viewfromhere #breakfast #biscuits #fire #morning #toast #heat #woodfire #tudorbiscuitworld #happiness #morningfire #sugaring #LexGoFurther
LexnGer: IMG_20150406_095712