Lexitos <....>:
Paris - La Défense
Lexitos <....>:
Spanish Farm
Lexitos <....>:
Au bord de la Seine - 1988
Lexitos <....>:
Lexitos <....>:
Railway Station
Lexitos <....>:
Waiting for a train that would not come
Lexitos <....>:
Medford - 1989
Lexitos <....>:
Misses K. and H.
Lexitos <....>:
November sunrise - long long time ago
Lexitos <....>:
Zurich some Gasse
Lexitos <....>:
Meerkerk at night (sooc)
Lexitos <....>:
Miss H. on film
Lexitos <....>:
Lost everything
Lexitos <....>:
Cimetière de Montparnasse
Lexitos <....>:
Tunnel vision
Lexitos <....>:
Old stuff
Lexitos <....>:
Old stuff