Dorset Photographic: _DSC9244 Spaceframe by Anthony Twentyman at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9245 Spaceframe by Anthony Twentyman at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9246 Spaceframe by Anthony Twentyman at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9247 Spaceframe by Anthony Twentyman at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9248 Spaceframe by Anthony Twentyman at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9250 Dudmaston Hall
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9256 Henry Moore sculpture at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9260 Barbara Hepworth two forms and more at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9263 Henry Moore sculpture at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9265 Henry Moore sculpture at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9275 Leaves in Autumn painting at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9276 Pond at Bottemgoms Farm ink on paper John Nash at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9280 Anti Witchcraft Leaf
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9282 Landscape ink on paper at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9283 Flower Pot drawing at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9286 The Piano at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9287 Wassily Kandinsky Composition 1932 Ink on Paper at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9289 Presence Anthony Twentyman at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9290 Presence Anthony Twentyman at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9295 Head of a Girl by Henri Matisse at Dudmaston 1900 Watercolour on Paper
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9297 Spaceframe by Anthony Twentyman at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9298 Spaceframe by Anthony Twentyman at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9300 Botanically Decorated Door at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9301 The Deed to Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9304 Library Dudmaston Hall
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9306 My Tulips Are Sealed at Dudmaston Hall
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9307 My Tulips Are Sealed
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9308 Flat Cat plays Spiderman at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9309 Tulips at Dudmaston
Dorset Photographic: _DSC9310 Dudmaston Bookshop