High-on-Life: Texture on the Rock - Falls by the Road
High-on-Life: Interesting Green color of Mirror Lake
High-on-Life: Another kind of map
High-on-Life: Adams and Bird Lake
High-on-Life: Map of Where we were
High-on-Life: Larry's Hand
High-on-Life: Crooked Creek Falls and Darlisa
High-on-Life: Waterfall Filling the Paint Brush
High-on-Life: Crooked Creek Falls - Mt Adams
High-on-Life: Hellroaring Falls Close Up
High-on-Life: Mount Adams above Hellroaring Viewpoint
High-on-Life: IMG_1245
High-on-Life: Trevor - the Ranger's Helper & Campfire
High-on-Life: Campfire
High-on-Life: My not-so-good Star Shot
High-on-Life: Darlisa playing ranger.
High-on-Life: Robber
High-on-Life: Darlisa with Trevor - the Ranger's young helper.
High-on-Life: What Darlisa Wants
High-on-Life: Darlisa style "tailgating"
High-on-Life: Darlisa style "tailgating"
High-on-Life: Photo by Basil Stein, 7; future National Geographic photographer.
High-on-Life: Photo by Basil Stein, 7; future National Geographic photographer.
High-on-Life: Darlisa style "tailgating"
High-on-Life: Mt Adams from Hellroaring Viewpoint