High-on-Life: Multnomah Friends Meeting House - addition
High-on-Life: Multnomah Friends Meeting House - addition
High-on-Life: IMG_3201
High-on-Life: Brent Davies, Scott Zimmerman, and Sydney Mead
High-on-Life: Sydney
High-on-Life: IMG_3204
High-on-Life: IMG_3205
High-on-Life: IMG_3206
High-on-Life: ?? on left, Carrington Barrs on Right
High-on-Life: Clearcut Forest in Background - not owned by Ecotrust.
High-on-Life: IMG_3211
High-on-Life: Carrington and ??
High-on-Life: Carrington and ??
High-on-Life: Carrington and ??
High-on-Life: Carrington and ??