lewisfrancis: la mia familia
lewisfrancis: Testing the light with Ellen in prep for the family photo III
lewisfrancis: P4690570-2
lewisfrancis: Testing the light with Ellen in prep for the family photo
lewisfrancis: Testing the light with Ellen in prep for the family photo II
lewisfrancis: Nephew Chris and Jenna Francis
lewisfrancis: Sister Karen and Tim Hicks
lewisfrancis: Sister Sara King and Bob Knick
lewisfrancis: Harry and Virginia Francis, Mom and Dad
lewisfrancis: The Family
lewisfrancis: Niece Rikki and Austin Heard
lewisfrancis: Ellen Francis, daughter
lewisfrancis: P1000225
lewisfrancis: P1000227
lewisfrancis: P1000235
lewisfrancis: P1000244
lewisfrancis: P1000251
lewisfrancis: P4690403
lewisfrancis: P4690411
lewisfrancis: P4690413
lewisfrancis: P4690423