Lewis_Satini: без пролития крови не бывает прощения.
Lewis_Satini: if you are A Christian
Lewis_Satini: Be of good Cheer
Lewis_Satini: Christ not only died for all
Lewis_Satini: House of Prayer
Lewis_Satini: Abstain from Sinful Desires
Lewis_Satini: 偉大な栄光
Lewis_Satini: Ele nos ama
Lewis_Satini: Christ is the center of our home
Lewis_Satini: Courage is contagious
Lewis_Satini: In Mine Infirmities
Lewis_Satini: And He died for all
Lewis_Satini: Christian Tears
Lewis_Satini: Not Guilty
Lewis_Satini: The Lord knows those who are His
Lewis_Satini: Be Strong and of a good courage
Lewis_Satini: I will praise you all my days
Lewis_Satini: You are the one that We praise
Lewis_Satini: Let them see us doing
Lewis_Satini: God saved you by His Grace
Lewis_Satini: Let this mind be in you
Lewis_Satini: Remind Him of His Future
Lewis_Satini: Casting Crowns: Glorious Day
Lewis_Satini: When Times are hard
Lewis_Satini: Accomplish what He loves
Lewis_Satini: Chris Tomlin: Indescribable
Lewis_Satini: The True Light
Lewis_Satini: God will never leave you empty
Lewis_Satini: Overwhelmed
Lewis_Satini: A função da oração