levanrami: Glorification of St Thomas Aquinas by Master of Dominican Effigies, 1325
levanrami: Thomas Aquinas by Jacopo del Casentino, 1325-75
levanrami: Thomas Aquinas from Virgin Mary between Thomas Aquinas and Apostle Paul by Bernardo Daddi, 1330
levanrami: Angelic Grief of St. Thomas Aquinas by Bernardo Daddi, 1338
levanrami: Virgin Mary presents her protégé St Thomas Aquinas to God who gives book to him and Keys to St Peter from Strozzi Altarpiece by Andrea Orcagna, 1354-7
levanrami: Madonna of Childbirth with St Thomas Aquinas who offers his De Incarnatione by Emilian Artist from San Nicolo church, Treviso, 1352-5
levanrami: Apotheosis of St Thomas Aquinas by Lippo Memmi and Francesco Traini, 1363
levanrami: Triumph of St Thomas Aquinas from Basilica of Sant'Eustorgio in Milan
levanrami: Thomas Aquinas discuss with some heretics while at his feet piebald dog chases wolve from Church Militant and Triumphant by Andrea di Bonaiuto, 1365-67
levanrami: Thomas Aquinas, located in cloister of Church of Santa Maria Novella, Florence by mid-14th century Florentine painter
levanrami: Triumph of St Thomas by Andrea di Bonaiuto, 1365-68
levanrami: Pope Urban IV instructs Thomas Aquinas to compile prayers for liturgy of Corpus Christi, by Ugolino di Prete Ilario in Chapel of Holy Corporal of Bolsena, in Orvieto Cathedral, 1364
levanrami: Triumph of St Thomas Aquinas by Lipo Memmi, from Santa Caterina church, Pisa, circa 1340
levanrami: Thomas Aquinas by Dalmasio di Jacopo Scannabecchi, 1370
levanrami: Initial with Thomas Aquinas by Miniaturist from Lucca, Alberto Crespi Collection, c 1400 - 1410
levanrami: St Thomas Aquinas by Hartmann Schedel, from 'Liber chronicarum mundi' (Nuremberg Chronicle), Nuremberg, 1493
levanrami: Sts Thomas Aquinas and Daniel from Cividale del Friuli by an unknown painter, 1402
levanrami: Thomas Aquinas by Taddeo di Bartolo, 1418
levanrami: Thomas Aquinas by Justus van Gent and Pedro Berruguete, c 1474-6
levanrami: Thomas Aquinas by Fra Bartolomdo
levanrami: Thomas Aquinas by Fra Bartolomeo (1472–1517)
levanrami: Thomas Aquinas Confounding Averroes by Giovanni di Paolo, 1445-50
levanrami: Albert the Great Preaching with Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure, Egidio, and other learned in Church of the Announced Holy Mary in Vignola by Alvise De Donati, 15th Century
levanrami: Thomas Aquinas from San Domenico, Fiesole Altarpiece by Fra Angelico, 1425
levanrami: Thomas Aquinas from San Domenico, Fiesole Altarpiece by Fra Angelico, 1425
levanrami: Thomas Aquinas from San Domenico, Fiesole Altarpiece by Fra Angelico, 1425
levanrami: Thomas Aquinas from Madonna and Child with St Dominic and St Thomas Aquinas by Fra Angelico, 1435
levanrami: Thomas Aquinas in Prayer by Sassetta, c. 1428-32
levanrami: Thomas Aquinas from Crucifixion with Mourners and Sts Dominic & Thomas Aquinas by Fra Angelico, 1441-2
levanrami: Thomas Aquinas and Benedict of Nursia from Coronation of Virgin by Fra Angelico, c 1437-46