William F. Buckley Jr. talks with Ronald Reagan at the South Carolina Governor's Mansion in Columbia S.C., on Jan. 13, 1978, after the two debated the Panama Canal Treaty
Ronald Reagan and William F. Buckley Jr. laugh heartily at a reception for the opening Office of the National Review, February 21, 1983
President Reagan and William F. Buckley Jr. at a reception for the opening Office of the National Review, February 21, 1983
President Reagan and William F. Buckley Jr. laugh heartily at a reception for the opening Office of the National Review, February 21, 1983
WFB, Ronald Reagan and Bill Rusher, before NR’s 20th-anniversary dinner at the Plaza Hotel in New York, November 17, 1975
2/7/1986 President Reagan with William F Buckley in the White House Residence during Private birthday party in honor of President Reagan's 75th Birthday
Reagan and Buckley at a party celebrating the opening of NR’s new Washington office, March 20, 1983. In background, left to right Rick Brookhiser, Priscilla Buckley, Joe Sobran, Jeff Hart
President Reagan talks with William F. Buckley, Jr. prior to a dinner honoring the latter, sponsored by the Ethics and Public Policy Center, November 18, 1986
Ronald Reagan and William F. Buckley Jr. discuss the question Is it possible to be a good governor; Firing Line, July 15, 1971
Ronald Reagan and William Buckley Jr. discuss the question Is it possible to be a good governor; Firing Line, July 15, 1971
Is there a case for private property, William F. Buckley Jr., Friedrich von Hayek, and George Roche, Firing Line, November 11, 1977
William Bucklay Jr., and Barry Goldwater attending dinner at plaza Hotel, December 12th, where they both received a freedom award, December 28, 1966
William F. Buckley with Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan before his appearance on Firing Line, 1993
George Will, Nancy Reagan, Norman Podhoretz, and WFB at NR's 30th-anniversary party, October 22, 1985, at Plaza
WFB receiving the Medal of Freedom from President Bush, with Barbara Bush looking on, November 18, 1991
William Buckley Jr., has been nominated by President Nixon as a member of the U.S. Advisory Commission on Information, May 28, 1969
William Buckley Jr., has been nominated by President Nixon as a member of the U.S. Advisory Commission on Information, May 28, 1969