letsgoskatepool: Come Inside!
letsgoskatepool: View when you walk in
letsgoskatepool: Closet angle two
letsgoskatepool: Closet angle one
letsgoskatepool: Love Sac
letsgoskatepool: Gotta show some school spirit!
letsgoskatepool: Where my clothes that hang up go.
letsgoskatepool: View from the top of the ladder
letsgoskatepool: My headboard and custom bedside table
letsgoskatepool: Bedside table and storage space
letsgoskatepool: Work area shutdown
letsgoskatepool: Trashcan, Laundry, and seethrough drawer
letsgoskatepool: What I look at while sitting up, using the headboard
letsgoskatepool: Who is at the door?
letsgoskatepool: Work Area
letsgoskatepool: Computer+Desk+Picture
letsgoskatepool: Monitor/TV
letsgoskatepool: Books, Printer, Videos, VCR, ETC!