Let's Eat: Hospital
Let's Eat: Autoretrat amb Rolleiflex i ascensor (títol currat)
Let's Eat: More windows
Let's Eat: Cal Mossèn
Let's Eat: Cabina sense cua
Let's Eat: Floor flowers
Let's Eat: More windows (Epson Scan)
Let's Eat: Buildings
Let's Eat: Field of daisies
Let's Eat: Oops!
Let's Eat: Kitchen details
Let's Eat: Urbe
Let's Eat: Field of poppies
Let's Eat: Take a walk
Let's Eat: Trees, grass and lovers
Let's Eat: Red layer
Let's Eat: Muppet from outer space
Let's Eat: New shoes
Let's Eat: Banc
Let's Eat: Bar Catalunya
Let's Eat: Night beers and some picapicas
Let's Eat: Antique iron
Let's Eat: Electricity tower
Let's Eat: Energy landscape
Let's Eat: Monestir de Sant Cugat
Let's Eat: Monestir de Sant Cugat
Let's Eat: Wall of leaves
Let's Eat: Little wet leaves
Let's Eat: The shadow knows