Let's Colour: Paint brushes and rollers ready to go
Let's Colour: Getting ready to shoot
Let's Colour: Jodie, Fernanda and Ben on shoot
Let's Colour: Jodie, Fernanda and Ben on shoot
Let's Colour: Keeping cool in the shade
Let's Colour: Getting ready to shoot
Let's Colour: The team resting before the shoot
Let's Colour: Let's colour Brazil
Let's Colour: The first few strokes
Let's Colour: The first few strokes
Let's Colour: The first few strokes
Let's Colour: The first few strokes
Let's Colour: Bec filming Fernanda
Let's Colour: The first wall
Let's Colour: Painting the first wall
Let's Colour: Painting the first wall
Let's Colour: Painting the first wall
Let's Colour: Painting in Lapa, Brazil
Let's Colour: Painting in Lapa, Brazil
Let's Colour: Sunset over Lapa