letisation: self portrait
letisation: in another lifetime
letisation: red book childhood memories
letisation: self portrait
letisation: self portrait
letisation: self portrait
letisation: self portrait
letisation: utakingpictureofme
letisation: what goes up must come down
letisation: one more cup of coffee before i go
letisation: flowers from the side-way
letisation: the day Ben died
letisation: cigarette time
letisation: green grass hopper
letisation: its better in the bahamas
letisation: sky trees earth me
letisation: + chanel nail polish
letisation: regarding the kids self portrait
letisation: from the back
letisation: my hand holding the border of window in the airplane. a gold heart is on my wrist
letisation: Her Ninja shoes with a red thread she will discover later
letisation: i touched a tibetten flag
letisation: her yellow shoes
letisation: self portrait
letisation: her dresss. sock and sneaker
letisation: my brain
letisation: yellow clogs @ 'pua' coffee shop's loo's
letisation: ritual: mud mask. the first day of the year. self portrait.
letisation: self shadow portrait
letisation: meditation