Leticia F. Terra: George Square
Leticia F. Terra: Barony Hall
Leticia F. Terra: Merchant City
Leticia F. Terra: Merchant City
Leticia F. Terra: Merchant City
Leticia F. Terra: People's Palace
Leticia F. Terra: Glasgow Green
Leticia F. Terra: St Andrew's in the Square
Leticia F. Terra: Glasgow Green
Leticia F. Terra: St. Enoch Centre
Leticia F. Terra: Gallery of Modern Art
Leticia F. Terra: George Square
Leticia F. Terra: Central Station
Leticia F. Terra: Clyde Arc
Leticia F. Terra: Clyde Auditorium
Leticia F. Terra: Walking around
Leticia F. Terra: Glasgow University Union
Leticia F. Terra: Wellington Church
Leticia F. Terra: University of Glasgow
Leticia F. Terra: Walking around
Leticia F. Terra: Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Leticia F. Terra: University of Glasgow
Leticia F. Terra: Clyde Clock
Leticia F. Terra: Barony Hall
Leticia F. Terra: Glasgow Cathedral
Leticia F. Terra: Glasgow Cathedral
Leticia F. Terra: Glasgow Cathedral
Leticia F. Terra: Glasgow Cathedral
Leticia F. Terra: Glasgow Cathedral
Leticia F. Terra: Glasgow Cathedral