artistgal: hawk 2883
artistgal: hawk 2882
artistgal: hawk 2881
artistgal: hawk 2880
artistgal: hawk 2878
artistgal: on the shore
artistgal: geese in flight
artistgal: geese in flight
artistgal: goose landing
artistgal: 1 Heron head in grass2843
artistgal: 1 Heron in the grass 2842
artistgal: 1 heron in the grass 2841
artistgal: 1 heron watch2822
artistgal: 1 heron from behind2830
artistgal: 1 heron facing front2833
artistgal: heron waiting for dinner
artistgal: 1 heron moving 2832
artistgal: duck in the water
artistgal: male duck
artistgal: double ducking
artistgal: ducking
artistgal: two pairs of ducking ducks
artistgal: pair of ducking ducks
artistgal: ducks bottoms up
artistgal: Blue Heron
artistgal: Blue Heron
artistgal: Blue Heron
artistgal: immature red-tailed hawk
artistgal: Heron
artistgal: Gaggle of geese