artistgal: Islands and ocean
artistgal: sea, land and sky
artistgal: shoreline
artistgal: watching cartoons
artistgal: she jumps!
artistgal: on the swing
artistgal: rope swing
artistgal: pump house
artistgal: through the gate
artistgal: by the gate
artistgal: marigolds against the wall
artistgal: marigolds and ferns
artistgal: sailboat
artistgal: whale watching boat
artistgal: penal institition
artistgal: well house
artistgal: pump house
artistgal: wagon wheel
artistgal: potting shed
artistgal: waiting place
artistgal: yellow
artistgal: Blue
artistgal: Time in Sydney BC
artistgal: lamp post
artistgal: sailboat
artistgal: shed for well pump
artistgal: lonely seas