artistgal: in a home on Whidby Island, WA
artistgal: Ski chest
artistgal: bench
artistgal: at the Seattle airport
artistgal: Flag on the wing
artistgal: lighthouse
artistgal: empty
artistgal: lamp post
artistgal: sailboat
artistgal: church on a hill -before
artistgal: near and far
artistgal: warning signs
artistgal: nastursiums
artistgal: anna
artistgal: flower
artistgal: salt lamp
artistgal: vegetable garden
artistgal: Simon and Gabby
artistgal: after the boat trip
artistgal: Our wedding Dec 2004
artistgal: horse backlit
artistgal: alone in the corn field
artistgal: handmade clock
artistgal: pig roast