artistgal: knothole
artistgal: driftwood
artistgal: Thornscape
artistgal: Shell in the drifting seaweed
artistgal: Lupine leaf reflection
artistgal: Columbine against the sky
artistgal: Columbine silhouette
artistgal: dandy wisps
artistgal: Heart babies
artistgal: frosty grass
artistgal: Pear blossom
artistgal: dew drops in tiny webs in the grass
artistgal: double berry
artistgal: black raspberry
artistgal: jeweled web
artistgal: jeweled web
artistgal: abstract
artistgal: dew drops on a web
artistgal: web in the leaves
artistgal: fuzzy caterpillar
artistgal: forget-me-not and think of spring
artistgal: white blossoms
artistgal: Forget-me-not and buds
artistgal: drops from the needles
artistgal: lichen moss frost
artistgal: denim red and blue
artistgal: weed on wire
artistgal: frost on barbed wire
artistgal: snow in pine needles
artistgal: poppy petals after the rain