artistgal: hiding in the leaves
artistgal: hiding in the leaves
artistgal: smelling the pansies
artistgal: emerald eyes
artistgal: Simba in the grass
artistgal: Simba's Deck Pose
artistgal: computer cat
artistgal: puzzle cat
artistgal: Simba's catch
artistgal: Stalking his prey
artistgal: fat cat
artistgal: Blink First. I win
artistgal: simba and pumpkins
artistgal: simba looking out
artistgal: Discovers cat in sink
artistgal: turns faucet faster on cat
artistgal: turns faucet on cat
artistgal: cat reluctantly leaves sink
artistgal: wet cat
artistgal: upside down kitty smile
artistgal: cat and squirrel tag
artistgal: Becee Cat on a hot day
artistgal: viewing his surroundings from a lofty perch
artistgal: surveying his territory from the safety of the car
artistgal: cat on the car
artistgal: wonder if I could slide down..
artistgal: Becee's last photo
artistgal: let me in
artistgal: Please let me in!
artistgal: waiting to come in