Leslie Platt: About to start, Vivod 060824_141612
Leslie Platt: Already penned, Vivod 060824_132501
Leslie Platt: Another view of a Vivod course 060824_144036 - Copy
Leslie Platt: Flock movement 060824_123442
Leslie Platt: Getting towards the pen, Vivod 060824_133109
Leslie Platt: Job done! Vivod 060824_141458
Leslie Platt: Lower course, Vivod 060824_124136
Leslie Platt: Plas yn Vivod 060824_121218
Leslie Platt: Plas yn Vivod 060824_132850
Leslie Platt: Spot the sheep dog 060824_121713
Leslie Platt: They also serve .... Vivod 060824_123834