Leslie Platt: From the train 040819_145057
Leslie Platt: From the train 040819_153101
Leslie Platt: From the train 040819_153140
Leslie Platt: From the train 040819_153144(0)
Leslie Platt: From the train 040819_153335
Leslie Platt: From the train 040819_153514
Leslie Platt: From the train 040819_153713
Leslie Platt: From the train 0408194_154157
Leslie Platt: From the train 040819_153747
Leslie Platt: From the train 040819_140833
Leslie Platt: From the train 040819_141244
Leslie Platt: From the train 040819_141250
Leslie Platt: From the train 040819_141302
Leslie Platt: From the train 040819_141314