Leslie Platt:
Crewe Station 220918 - DSC_0156
Leslie Platt:
Crewe Station 220918 - DSC_0160
Leslie Platt:
Crewe Station 220918 - DSC_0171
Leslie Platt:
Crewe Station 220918 - DSC_0172
Leslie Platt:
Duchess of Sutherland 221018 - DSC_0135
Leslie Platt:
Duchess of Sutherland 221018 - DSC_0138
Leslie Platt:
Duchess of Sutherland 221018 - DSC_0139
Leslie Platt:
Duchess of Sutherland 221018 - DSC_0140
Leslie Platt:
Duchess of Sutherland 221018 - DSC_0141
Leslie Platt:
Duchess of Sutherland 221018 - DSC_0143
Leslie Platt:
Duchess of Sutherland 221018 - DSC_0145
Leslie Platt:
Duchess of Sutherland 221018 - DSC_0146
Leslie Platt:
Duchess of Sutherland 221018 - DSC_0150
Leslie Platt:
Crewe Station 221018 - DSC_0152
Leslie Platt:
Crewe Station 221018 - DSC_0153
Leslie Platt:
Crewe Station 221018 - DSC_0155
Leslie Platt:
Crewe Station 221018 - DSC_0156
Leslie Platt:
61306 on 170519_DSC3690
Leslie Platt:
61306 on 170519_DSC3692
Leslie Platt:
61306 on 170519_DSC3693
Leslie Platt:
61306 on 170519_DSC3696
Leslie Platt:
61306 on 170519_DSC3697
Leslie Platt:
61306 on 170519_DSC3698
Leslie Platt:
61306 on 170519_DSC3699
Leslie Platt:
61306 on 170519_DSC3700
Leslie Platt:
61306 on 170519_DSC3738
Leslie Platt:
61306 on 170519_DSC3743
Leslie Platt:
61306 on 170519_DSC3746
Leslie Platt:
61306 on 170519_DSC3747
Leslie Platt:
Crewe Station 170519_DSC3753