Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 001
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 004
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 007
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 009
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 011
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 013
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 015
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 016
Leslie Platt:
Trip to East Lancs Railway - pictures downloaded 240411 017
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 019
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 020
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 021
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 023
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 025
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 026
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 027
Leslie Platt:
Trip to East Lancs Railway - pictures downloaded 240411 030
Leslie Platt:
Trip to the East Lancs Railway - pictures downloaded 240411 035
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 037
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - 240411 038
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 039
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 040
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 044
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 048
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 049
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 051
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 054
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 055
Leslie Platt:
Trip to ELR - pictures downloaded 240411 058
Leslie Platt:
East Lancs Railway 191013 - DSC_0190